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  1. Sorry for the poor quality. Far away pic.
  2. I'm a cop because I'm posting links about writers getting arrested and saying people might learn a thing or two about their cases and how NOT to get arrested? ....yeah, that makes sense. Here's a little tidbit, some people that call other people cops on the internet, are actually cops.
  3. What the fuck is up in Merced? I've read three news stories in the past week of kids getting rolled on. I'm sure that it just seems like a lot because I'm reading it in the paper. What's scary is that they seem to be charging people with gang enhancements. Here's the latest two. Two young boys caught. Guy arrested after search of home. At the very least give em a look and see if you know em (maybe try and go to their court dates or visit em,) or learn what they did wrong so you don't make same mistakes.
  4. That's sick you got the one on Briggsmore. I'm glad you also got that shit out in Tracy, the 'happy holiday' one. I saw that in December and wanted a camera so bad.
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