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Everything posted by McDoodles

  1. Lovin' the old posts! Bump Bank Mober and that old Scan with the south shore area code shout out
  2. http://www.mook-life.com/st-patricks-day-parade-maximum-mookness/ BUMP
  3. http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110316/mtl_special_train668_110316/20110316/?hub=MontrealHome RIP JAYS
  4. For thos from SD that dig the late great band, Sublime. Tribute up in Montreal,Canada
  5. RIP to that youngin'. Anyone know who he had beef with and pulled that stupid shit?
  6. Well, Quebec is a province(not a country), in Canada, a bilingual country. So the people of this province, should speak and understand both languages. That being true, is an intelligent statement. Another one would be this, when the English won the war over the french, they let them keep there language and religion. Key words: Let them. Therefore, there should be no problem with English speaking and understanding in this province, because the English(as tyrannical and oppressive as they have proven to be throughout history) at least didnt force the french to convert to speaking only english. Btw, Anglos are home, and in terms of graffiti, montreal wouldnt be half as bangin' without anglos, a few examples being ;-)
  7. I actually do speak french, because my parents( who do not have 1 drop of english blood in there entire lineage) insisted that I learn both languages, as this is a Bilingual country and province. I just think its whack as fuck, when you see a senior citizen approach a cashier and the cashier refuses to understand her because shes speaking english. If you live in Quebec, French and English should be mandatory to understand and speak, even if its a small amount. What kind of idiot wants to be unilingual when you have the chance to be bilingual anyways? Enough said. Completement d'accord, ca c'est aussi whack.
  8. Off topic, but to all you seperatists who claim ' je parle pas anglais'. what do you say when big heads from out of town come here, i bet you speak english then eh you cocksuckers
  9. who painted that illmatic canvas with the montreal metro line?
  10. Amaaazing, and mad props to everyone who rocked in in&out.
  11. BUMP that Jays by Castro.
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