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Everything posted by thebearsdance

  1. im going up there right now to steal some paint in front of you and your bitchass wont do shit
  2. and shut up h2o your just as gay as staz maybe even a little more.your soft, i rack from your store all day
  3. all you bitches backed down yesterday
  4. what the fuck are you fags even talking about? and if any of you have a problem with me im going to be wearing a bears dance shirt at the jam pussies
  5. omg swif407 isnt going to be their!
  6. -241 points, i see how it is
  7. moka's been on the streets, where you at? therefor you have no room to talk
  8. foreal,thats the type of shit you loose your kneecaps over
  9. word! everyone keep doing you and no, doing stencils and putting up stickers does not make you cool.street art all day!
  10. i hate all you bitchnigs,pm me if you want your knee caps blown out
  11. nice! i see feo took my advice and cute pose in that last picture
  12. trust me no one will every"NV" you guys..
  13. people still listening to insane clown posse?
  14. forms not looking toobad,change your throwy r it looks like a gay s. remember guys stay gay
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