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Fresh Hieroglyphics

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Everything posted by Fresh Hieroglyphics

  1. Hello!!! You can't read or see the pic i posted of Rime doin a FR8 for the movie Unstoppable! I said :"No diss to Rime cause he and MSK been puttin in work"! Your attempt to cause beef is squashed! Look , every now and then you do a permission for money or because itz a dope spot or a fresh gig but a true Graff writer goes back to what made them anybody and keep the art true & illegal! So again i stress no dis to those who rock a permission now & then but to only do permissions does not make you a"Graffiti Artist" just an Artist that is inspired and motivated by the Graffiti subculture! Yo dig,real recognize real!
  2. RIME MSK on the set! Your turn fool ! BTW i have been postin pic's of real Graff not paid stage gigz! No diss to Rime cause he and MSK been puttin in work but i prefer my Graff illegal! At the end of the day itz really up to you and what you like!
  3. Dope piecez but i'm really feelin that ill faded in the distant castle backdrop, or is it a grave yard?! Itz sick either way!
  4. Bump OV! Fuck the past they doin they shit "Now" and in the streetz where Graff supposed to be! Much propz! No disrespect to the old school(shit i'm one) but we are living in the now,aren't we? Sooooo bump niggaz doin work now!
  5. Actually i thought the same thing but when me and my homie went to do this Lower path by the Florida mall we been scoping out,me and my boy ran into Moer and ES and some Miami EP kidz,damm ,i said thatz was up! That shit hasn't happen to me since 1992 when me and my boy was going down after doin a roof top and catch Weel and Saze going up,That was the shit! Ha! But after this experience i gotz to feel graffiti in Orlando iz very much alive, like on the real what are the oddz of that shit!
  6. So you can do something there too if you like or take better pic's! Note to wry: I didn't give out the address now,you have to look for it!BTW there iz a Hobo camp there so do come prepared ! "Puppy" iz the koolest cat there so ask for him!
  7. Off of OBT! The Get upz where done off of Clarcona-Ocoee and Hiawassee
  8. Dude, dont get me wrong i dig Philly(Mad propz to CORNBREAD and TOPCAT 126 )but thatz just a getup with a white jig-jag fill, i do that shit too, but be serious what do you mean by "you had to go out of state to post"?! We gotz some killah sick local yokels aswell as bad ass New york/ Jersey, Massachusetts, Miami and Palm beach transfer kidz That do Burners and Pieces and ill getups like or better thand the one you posted ! Example:
  9. Speak for yourself loser,i think there are many talented & innovating Graff headz in Orlando even the New jacks have potential! And if you really wanted this thread to die stop postin comments and pic's !
  10. Bump! Get up,Get out and Bomb $umtin!!
  11. So why post a comment fool,guess you hated it so much you had to suck on 6 balls! i'm thinking your lost? Your looking for the gay party trick thread,there you would be accepted,maybe they can paint a target on your face and play cum dartz! Joy!
  12. My nigga Spre,Mad kool kid from Boston! Did his thang wit them FH zoo boys from Miami for the Pintura project2 in Orlando! Bump and propz to all them DBM's and FHZ's!!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qADAz0_7cnI
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