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Posts posted by beefnbroc

  1. haven't seen any of his shit around buddy


    my shit doesnt need to be seen for you to know i do my thing, again doze your comments are dumb but i meant nothing byy it i was trashed as fuck and i made a comment back. so my bad, didnt think people would cry. now as for my painting i do what i do and because im not going around self promoting like everyone else does on this damn thread. got it papi?

  2. yea because itsnot toy to post all your really cool peices to prove your not a toy.

    keep changing your name maybe youl get decent but probably not


    and talking shit on fake accounts is real writer status right?


    and toycrusherplus i could be wrong but maybe he was just directing it to you because your name probably has TOY in it and have been the most vocal about painting at his event? maybe?

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