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Everything posted by andaleandale

  1. right right, and your a big help spec. way to go. fag. its funny how legal eagles have no drama, but as soon as they find one ounce of it, they make a big deal about it so ppl will talk about them...its a sick sad small little world down there in disney world
  2. look who came out of retirement ...orlando is sad. your biggest bombers are snitches and you praise your legal eagles
  3. dope fr8s. that spot with all the old cars looks chill. too bad no one did anything good...
  4. pilot came correct, even on that mcdonalds billy
  5. bump sekt and that top to bottom freight!!
  6. why dont u just move back to new jersey or whereever ur from if u hate orlando so much? go cry about it
  7. this is coming from a legal eagle hahahaha is that avie bombing his garage again?
  8. as i sit in my cell, might as well be in hell left a dead, two on one, fourth floor is where I dwell couldn't tell, thought you was a man but you was a bitch a nigga i would die for really was a snitch
  9. damn swel why you gotta crush so hard? i saw u on tv the other night kid!! fukin snitchez runnin' wild!!!
  10. tater salad~~~ whorez EPC!! swellerz is everywhere!! nais tha ninja! feona climbs everything!B)
  11. by far the best safe spots and you get to see freights pass though
  12. I dig those Wizard's characters! bump TAF
  13. pincho got the turnpike on lock! blast is killin' it too! touch!
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