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Everything posted by fuckpheelings

  1. i think he meant good flicks
  2. i dont know why but i like kadetwo better than kadeone..
  3. pyrek why do you act hard? is it because your from salinas or because your behind a computer screen?
  4. really?? i didnt know that? my bitch was riding your dick too??? wow! i didnt know any of this? HEY EVERYONE! MY BITCH RODE PYREK'S DICK AND SALINAS IS IN THE 831
  5. why is that some people think they're officially hard just because they're from Salinas? ohh and pyrek this ain't Salinas this the 831cali thread u
  6. yo obnoxios! pm me bro catch my fade
  7. (just an opinion) was never really a fan of sour's letters, nice color scheme though. that purple mean is ehh...
  8. damn! how many of these do i have to give out? how come your homie kade doesnt wanna talk to me anymore :( is he mad?
  9. ?? nigga.. nigga.. nigga.. i sell drugs.. ima gangsta rapper.. nigga.. i do drugs...
  10. hah can i shmiv it? kade how come you dont talk to me :/
  11. screaming hand logo should play black ops with his best friend
  12. there.. is that what you wanted?
  13. at 10 pm while wearing grey 501s and grey hoodie but dont tell anyone.. p.s. hit my line
  14. looks like a generic version of reot
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: did this make anyone else lol?
  16. wtf? how big are the pieces of shit that you eat?
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