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Posts posted by omegatree

  1. damn i think south park is really tryin to do some shit here.. i know that every week before the show when there making it they're bustin comedy centrals ass tryin to get that shit uncensored. but its gettin worse now

  2. hemadl.jpg


    damn i think south park is really tryin to do some shit here.. i know that every week before the show when there making it they're bustin comedy centrals ass tryin to get that shit uncensored. but its gettin worse now

  3. Re: I shit my pants today.


    I was taking a 2 hour trip back to my house from spending a weekend at a college.. i was with a sexy bitch that i was talking to at the time and sadly had a mcalisters deli french dip before we left.. Needless to say with 10 minutes left in the trip I convinced her that we needed to fill up the gas tank even though we were half full.. we stop at the gas station and i thought the door was thick enough to shield the noises of shit hitting tile when i couldnt make it to the toilet fast enough.. i also didnt know that my girl followed me in and heard the battle cries coming out of my ass in the bathroom.. last 10 minutes of the trip felt like 10 hours.. havent talked to her since

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