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Posts posted by LIFES MODERATOR

  1. he did it again, this nigga couldnt just hold it in, he had to be that corny nigga to write some gay shit..


    are you supposed to amaze us with your poem? really though youre a disgrace to hip hop b


    get it together man, we know you eat , shit, sleep this shit on the daily..

    we know you got 12oz saved as your favorite page on your blackberry..grow some chest hair nigga for real.


    we know you hop on here, smoke a little herb and feel brave and try to rebuild your confidence..


    i know , im not mad at you chuck..but i am here to call you a fag man, damn...have you no shame?


    has it come to this- that niggas write corny poems on websites, hoping they will sound like theyre on point? the rap was weak in itself, i mean come on, that shit was weak dogs...


    is 2010 the future of finks and gimmicks?


    really though, yea, those 2 toys are pretty gay for dressing like fags..

    but then again, dominicans are just weird fucks, and extremely gay on the low..imagine all the shit that goes on thats not on video or

    photo...weird shit goes on man...


    i know your favorite writers who did shit that would make you not like them anymore


    your heroes done sucked dick for coke, raped girls, prostituted, kill their own friends, ratted, turned gay, even a nigga who got caught by his own people, fucking his cat.

    they know who they are


    DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE my birds. stay to yourself and handle your business.






    way to go sherloc holmes you are OFFICIALLY on my dick, got niggas watchin my chest hairs and shit:lol:


    dont worry.. smash loves you, even when you dont love yaself:D



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