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Posts posted by LIFES MODERATOR

  1. actually there are stores that carry that much hommie. and then some. and if your a good enough rac ker you can pull this many outta one store.... ask moderator.... im sure i have in the high 3000's in decos..... i supplied most nyc graff stores and your favorite online stores too. shit paid my rent for about 3-4 years. no bs no G... etch, microns, sharioes, canvas paint brushes.. i was cracking that game wide open about 7 years ago. shit burnt now... plus all these dust bunny kids selling shit for pennies just to get there next fix. so shit be pointless sometimes........ but back to my point its !00% possible im speaking thru experience brother......


    man speaks truth lol... good times mayn....good times

  2. its a desk appearence ticket. almost unheard of these days. wierd, not that i dont believe you life mod but how you didnt get taken in especially knocked red handed? thats luck. you cant get a dat for b misdeameanors these days.:confused:




    still almost unheard of, these days, that spot was 2004, 5?


    the stories also longer than that with more odd coincidences, thats a long story short kinda thing


    shit was crazy tho, i got taken in.. red handed, 15 cans inna bookbag, had MAAD chances to get away on sum 1 second too late shit.. and STILL only got a d.a.t


    luck of the irish i guess


    wasnt sposed to see the bookins that night

  3. Yo this spot was right in the open, looked stupid hard to pull off


    got bagged doin this spot.. on sum metal gear shit hiding under a cardboard box :lol:


    shit wasnt outlined so the cop askd me.. what you taggin?


    i reply "welcome ny nets"


    he says theres no S in welcome


    i reply.. im dyslexic..


    true story he laughed and gave me a d.a.t :lol:

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