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Posts posted by LIFES MODERATOR

  1. "2 summers ago. D@*e and I were walking down Prince street, just lampin... Until we saw a couple kids that had a little graffiti stand... So we stopped to take a peek...we started asking questions about there art and they started to become nervous ... Then one started to mumble and stutter then finally blurted out, doo-doo- do you know B#t???? I said yeah, but I haven't seen him in a minute....He said, is he-he- here? I said no. He said, hez not meeting you here is here???? I said no! Then i started to get suspicious... So i said, why, what's up?? He said this guy B#t came through and shut us down!!!! I said what do you mean???? They say he smashed all our shit and threw it in the gutter... D@*e dropped his head down in embarrassment and I almost died that day from laughing so hard... I think the kid wrote Ab-one"




    (all names involved have been changed because the victim is a known snitch)

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