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Posts posted by LIFES MODERATOR

  1. Lately, everyone in this thread sounds fucking retarded. I guess that goes hand in hand with all the slop that is in the streets. Bunch of no talent, two letter throw, 150 different crew repping wannabe's chit chattin on here 24/7. Graffiti in NY is beyond dead, except for when out of towners come through and show you little tough guys how it's done. Truly sad.


    and here you are...:o


    you chit chattin right along.. go be somebody somewhere... just not here.. here your nobody



  2. alright yall im off this bee my last comment is BUMP NYC BABY the mecca of this graff shit we started this culture and we gonna keep it alive nikkas come from deep to prove there selfs as writers to show us what they got so lets BUMP to that Juuu heard[newyorkskyline3m.jpg


    ill bump to that

  3. and i aint singlin out ykils (this isnt a personal attack on him) thats to all these niggas


    best thing yo do is get off 12oz and go draw sumthin.. 3,4 months id love to see some progression.. help a nigga eat his words (pause)

  4. damn son you would think if nikkas was really somebody in the graff game or some one who was really nice and been doing it for 10 or 20 plus years they would wanna drop a jewel on a nikka bee its ashame that the state of graffiti is the way it is but its only like this because of old heads who have to big of an ego to bless nikkas with a few tricks of the trait here and there but instead they down play the youth of graff and hate instead of being proud the shit is still going


    see thats the problem..with YOUR generation.. you want a hand out! maybe its the era i got into graffiti or my enthusiasm for it.. but before i linked up with older niggas YOU COULD STILL READ MY SHIT.. was up in more than a 2block radius..


    bless you with tricks of the trade???



    why the fuck should i!?? or anyone??


    you been writing for 5 years and thats where you at? thats it??(sure we all start out toy, but its how long do u wana STAY toy!!)


    u kno what that tells me?

    that tell me you aint in it to win it.. you dabblin.. nah im good.. and u kno whats gonna happen? you gonna put maaaybe 10 yrs in total, still tellin the world to stop hating.. flash in the pan


    it aint us its YOU!! try harder.. draw more than what niggas is tellin you SUCKS, show your local has been you aint wasting his time..



    & i AM blessing you (pause)

    but you too smart to realize it


    "youth is wasted on the young"- albert einstein


    port authority detect told me that once as im sittin in the back of his car handcuffed....


    ill never for get that shit

  5. brickwalld.jpg


    Say WORD! my bad ivisible man i didnt know you get it in like this -___- you dumb nice keep up the good work lmao


    that shit was funny tho :lol: imma rock you sum outlines my g...


    for just 1 outline a day you too can help feed a starving new age graffiti writer :lol: :lol:



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