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Posts posted by SMK|480

  1. Ilovehaters, Thanks 4 not being a totall asshole...I think and


    chill out yo, thats a hard headed way to taking advice and looking at things. you ever read "the art of getting over"?


    I dnt think that's an art yo..anyways can't u read they were askin me about it so after a question is asked there's usually an answer..


    I dnt see how they that good, no offense doods, but that last mynd kinda lagg'd I like the first but that's it, but if you think he should go to the other thread then I'm out dood you guys have horrible taste *offensive if you wana take it* ...I dnt care if you keep talkin shit I'm out of this website, wow shoulda never trusted the innernitz 4 crits ima get in in person from ppl who actually hit up not from inside writers srry but its true.

  2. Aight thanx man but I remind you that's an old_ish one, and I already said that I forced my O's that duznt mean I force all of them, like my S's, E's n K's they just come to me easily...but 4reals I honestly don't know if I can go simpler on my style. if I try to go simpler in another form besides my style i would probly wouldn't be able to do pieces it be more of a JA throw up letter style...not that I dnt like it but its not piece material atleast not the ones I wana do

  3. your talking about people using an arrow that looks like Ewoks (how many fucking ways are there to do an arrow) yet you completely bite the fuck out of TSL/MSK logo thing?


    Personally I think that your stuff needs to go simpler, you are clouding your letters with colours when it should be the letters that stand out, you come in here with a rubbish attitude towards people that offer crits because you don't think you should be listening to them when they have been members of the board longer and generally give out good advice.


    and just for the hell of it even though this thread is dead here are pics for credentials






    Aight, but the second one the ?'S are kinda distracting/annoying and the drips on the e kinda lagg(third one) but the forth one is pretty clean

  4. Never said they did yo^


    Oh ya on the TSL thing I did it kuz I was bored dood I dnt try to incorperate it into my style and in every single piece I do, in my defense it serves as a character. its not like we haven't done something like that man its like the cheech wizard dood who duznt do that shit, I mean seriously but again nothin wit my letter style.

  5. Oh ya its a shitty name I honestly don't care, but that's when some bullshit halfass wannabe gangwriter that can't even throwup a good handstyle. And ya I have trouble wit O's sometimes kuz I dnt like to do simple shit so its hard to think good lookin O, thanx for the opinions, but ima keep my style I think its simple enuff as it is

  6. Your the one sayin I'm annoying dood so yo probly came from bombingscience I'm not even beefin dood I'm just telling you I got my own damn style not the same shit as everyone else deal with it. I took your crit but its called a conversation I'm talking wit ya...


    rea ya I didn't even notice I do that untill you told me lol, but I have way more shit n I dnt usually do the shadow/3D both ways that was just kinda a coincidence..that's wat I meant to say

  7. Ya but I make look better than most toys who try to write it. And why the fuck would I go simpler for a toy like you? ...nah I'm good Ill keep my style, sides what do you want me to have the same style as you or what, kuz that would just be gay not everyone wants to do the same shit that's graff expressing yourself in your own fuggin way...:|


    ...Oh ya rea, really its not supposed to go one way like I was tellin the other dood you do it how you want to, otherwise graffiti wouldn't be graffit it would just be shit painted on canvases and not walls...and I didn't notice I did that two/multi way shodow/3D thing hahaha

  8. Actually its not going just left and right its goin all around (left right up down and going diagonally kinda too) but I didn't really do it right I effed up kuz I rushed on it lol she had been askin me for like 3weeks I was like ahh lol

  9. fair enough, do your thing. This thread has been dead for quite a while, except for when i get drunk and bump it to see what happens.

    This is what happens, and this is why there isn't an intermediate thread on this site. I keep fuckin up when i bump it...

    Sorry to everyone.


    and yes, i know that outline is terrible.


    Well I came here because I looked for a thread that wasn't exactly toy but not king either lol

    ..But ya I needed a place to post my stuff opinions as to where to go or stay here wasn't lookin for a recent thread.


    But ya ima keep sketchin to get better

  10. whats with everyone jocking ewok's arrows? as as for that jesus character...


    Thank you I was about 2 ask the same thing, but then I saw this @ the end of the page lol. N their not just ewoks, pretty much everyone in MSK does them like jersy joe/ ryme n revok, and I think pose on occasions

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