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@shy l@rry

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Posts posted by @shy l@rry



    DJ Kool Herc's Sister Sets up a PayPal Account for Donations

    by Andres Vasquez




    The iconic DJ Kool Herc has "serious kidney stones" as family sets up Paypal account for fans to donate money.


    As we recently reported, Hip Hop pioneer DJ Kool Herc has been sick. However, while some believed he may be close to dying, his family recently revealed that he has "serious kidney stones." As a result, Herc needs surgery soon, one that he cannot afford at this time. Cindy Campbell, Herc's sister, recently spoke on this issue and what can be done with The New York Daily News.


    "He's been in terrible pain for months," she noted. "The doctors say they've got to come out, but we just don't have the money."


    The legendary Kool Herc has more than $10,000 to pay in hospital bills so far. This does not include the surgery, which will add another amount to the overall sum.


    The stones were found months ago at a Bronx hospital where they also inserted a stent, a hallow tube, which is meant to help with any pain or discomfort. According to Herc's sister, he's also taking pain killers, which can hurt in the long run.


    "People need to come together on this. The trailblazers are getting older and they have no real support network," she added.


    Anybody willing to donate money towards Herc's medical bills can do so via Paypal to cindycampbell1@aol.com. Fans can send checks to Kool Herc Productions by mailing to PO Box 20472 Huntington Station, NY 11746.




    Who gives a Fuck, what has he done for me lately?

  2. I

    Raise your hand if your frontin' about racking paint....


    As in the words of one of the illest Emcees alive...


    "You aint gotta lie to kick it " Silk the Shocker-

    Fuckin no limit dun son...


    Does it count if....

    your returning some stolen shit for a merchandise card to get paint?

    im not going to say any names..but thanks for the hook up...


    oh shit i almost forgot to hit the sarcasm button...

    but forreals Divinemind..how you going to forget...

    you should always utilize the sarcasm button...

    these kids get confused now a days staring at a screen and trying to

    figure out someones tone...


    Ok im done...time to bang on the MPC...

    please dont E-Shoot me... :lol:


    Fuck buying paint, I just copped a washer and dryer...next on my list is

    all new hardwood flooring. circuit breakers ftw!!!!

  3. "sir we are pulling you over for no reason. just so you know we are realling cracking down on writers right now"


    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to screaming hand logo again.

  4. Bump the *****@ full of idiots driving around Oldtown last night...

    If you guys circled the block to look for us, you should have said what's up.

    Not just drove off, next time stop, so I can get your paint....


    P.s I smeared you puff tags...


    Signed anonymous....

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