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Posts posted by daoist

  1. aight u dont even know i was just tryn to give the man a complement but seems like yall took it the wrong way..and just because i paint with other people dosen't mean im getting my hand held i know the game and i could care less if u think i dont have heart cause i know i got heart..ive had heart since i was 8 years old with graff shit..and i do this not to get attention not to get up i do it cause i simply like painting walls..nd buddy thats how i talk nigga this is the internet relax your the way acting like a cocky fuck im not trying to impress anyone..people who know me know im legit ill admit i get a lil cocky sometimes i kno im far from the best in jersey but shyt this is what i do and no matter what yall no names say imma keep doin it..


    i never met you but you seem like you're dedicated to an art form that is dieing slowly so props for that..


    not that many cats painting anymore doesn't seem to make sense to bash the few people that do lol

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