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Everything posted by dubrap

  1. http://www.freshpaintnyc.blogspot.com
  2. NEW BLOG UPDATES + GUEST BLOGGERS http://www.freshpaintnyc.blogspot.com
  3. check it out... i'm adding guest bloggers for the site... PM me your email address and i'll send you an invite... feel free to post whatever you like on the site... http://www.freshpaintnyc.blogspot.com
  4. R.I.P? Is this the the same Poes as the techno DJ...
  5. http://www.freshpaintnyc.blogspot.com
  6. actually the correct link is.... http://www.schifferbooks.com/newschiffer/book_template.php?isbn=9780764334955 http://www.freshpaintnyc.blogspot.com
  7. http://www.schifferbooks.com/newschiffer/book_template.php?isbn=978-0-7643-3495-5 Over 400 eye-popping photos provide a decade-long tour of graffiti in New York City. Walls, trucks, and subway cars are featured with graffiti by the crews X-Men, KD, TNB, 156, RIS, AOK, TC-5, FAME CITY, COD, XTC, TFP, MCI, IF, DYM, 718, TD4, SMART, TATS CRU, FLY-ID, GFR, AKB, and many more. Because New York City has made a concerted effort to remove graffiti from the city, the images captured here will never be seen again. Walls were repainted and some buildings were demolished, keeping graffiti crews working fast to keep ahead of the trend. The author worked even faster to capture their ephemeral efforts. If you have a fascination with urban life and colorful expression, this book is definitely for you
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