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Posts posted by whitesupremacist

  1. vs is tracking us all, niggas have ways to find you


    delete every footprint you have






    word of mouth



    the only way to be safe is to fuck all technoology and institutionalized bullshit....


    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda

    everything is propaganda



    Yeah dude I know that when I was arrested they had a whole fucking folder soooo thick full of pictures..

  2. Ya all suking them avl kids they are doing there thing they shinning get the fuk out your houses and actually keep up on the streets you dum fuks just keep up with the internet shit and first of all merk banged ovie and nobs banged jaes and jono banged god so stop suking dick and ecusing them for that shit I seen the spot inperson when merk had it his shit was very rediculos ugly ass merks he couldev dun better so then these avl kids went over merks ACER SKO u can't knock them dum fuks on 12oz this computer shit is getting to ya head......


    Shut up! Quit self promoting it's not cool. "ecusing" Uhm did you mean to write accusing?

  3. damn ya niggas is still going on... i never seend a website where niggas b slobbbin so much lmfaoooo. jus stfu and go buy some montana cans and go piece off in a permission spot lol

    i wanna know when was one of ya last bomb or rack.my team got unlimited paint supply for more dan 3 years without paying for shit.


    i bet if it was ja 2 do that spot with his regular throwie ya would of been wanting 2 make out wit the dude.lmao


    ima say no more dough ya could keep suckin cack if ya want i love it.lol when i bust and shyt nahh meann


    My god! You again? If you really call yourself a bomber then why don't I see your crew outside of the Bronx or the Upper West Side? Stay home for a few days look at how the big boys do their letters, do something similar and then go hit the streets with the new shit because we all know the shit that you are doing is definitely not rocking.

  4. Haha really these kids need to get their education. They're in the 11th grade and have 3rd grade reading level what the fuck? Making graff writers look like a bunch of illiterate degenerates like your selves go fucking learn something!

  5. make this shit bigger so the toys can read it. mad new jock toy ass kids think they can go hard before getting good at graff. i was on paper for four years before i rocked more than a tag or two. its even worse that when someone tells them that their style isnt good and needs work , even in a constructive way, they just take it as someone "rIdiN d@ W4V3". you cant get good without someone helping you out and telling you what you're doing wrong. That's where the real issue is, even though there's this big new online community of writers, the real communal aspect of writing that existed up until the early 2000s is almost completely gone.


    plus after these toys rock their scraggly ass scribbly fillins, none of us are dedicated enough to go out there and erase their ugly shit with some style.


    Please take this into consideration many of you have no idea what you're doing I'm talking about Queens here.

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