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Everything posted by IHeartRusto

  1. I think I just got a boner from all them old flicks of the yard. BUMP them old Jaunt(RIP) Fohr, Esau, and Stori joints.
  2. BUMP the FUCK out of that FEIS! That joint is straight fire, I think he just burned my retnas.
  3. Me and the hommie were just talking bout how we need to bring a sawzal and some hinges and rig up a door on one of the pieces of wood to get in that bitch.
  4. BUMP them SCREW ESAU IAGO JUSTO throws circa 2002.
  5. Faygo Rock N' Rye/Flammin' Hot Chester Fries
  6. Damn I miss the old Krylon off white that shit was the bees knees. RIP to the OG Krylon cans.
  7. Them STORI throws are KILLIN' IT!
  8. BUMP Heroin Island, cheap 40s of malt liquor, gigantic rollers and rolling around with the windows down because its 40 degrees outside. I love spring/summer in the grimiest city in the U.S.A.
  9. Its March, which only means a couple of things to me....All the hoes come out of hibernation soon, warmer weather is just around the corner, I can stop wearing 5 layers of clothing and a ski mask just to keep my pasty white ass warm while painting and more asbestos filled walls will be falling down in the Packard. BUMP HERO JASP IRON and the rest of the WAH cats.
  11. Humpty Bumpty to these cats... COUPE IGES MARM PHERS STORI TEAD
  12. ^^^Apparently a place to talk shit and post flics of mediocre weed and people who skin cats in their spare time...
  13. BUMP wine flavored Black and Milds. Mmmmmmm
  14. Super BUMP to that Black YEAH. Mmmmmmmmm
  15. BUMP the tits off that green and pink YOGRT and that white HOLY Mmmmmmmmm, that shit is tasty. Also Bump bunk doctors writing medical cards for $200, Bump your mom for being my Valentine, and Unbump this cold snowy weather.
  16. BUMP that REFT NARK PACK DEMS roller. Straight up dopesauce
  17. BUMP REFT ENDER and that FBS roller. Too dope
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