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Everything posted by eye51

  1. so if have this stuff can i still just watch? ill brink cake and soda i promise!!!! and why does it always have to come down to sex, with video tape nonetheless.
  2. it took me like 30 seconds to read this
  3. bro yall are da weak sauce not like me who be all in da a1 bottle!!! PDX woot woot!!!
  4. REDNECK???? you sound surprised. is this really trogg? cause i know that you know that thread is full of shit like that, and sometimes worse. but maybe the thread will make me feel like this again and not like this
  5. he's angry, can't you see his angry face?
  6. ................. graph started in portland and does not exceed the 503 area code
  7. thats what i heard too, e news said so
  8. What are you guys talking about?! i remember the rules of "the game" that AROMA 1.graffiti is about biting everyones stuff 2. creativity is a big no no 3. hipsters are welcome, if your jeans don't fit a 12 yo then you should go home 4. always buy laks or montana when you start ect. the list goes on and on i mean if we weren't supposed to bite where would the letters come from
  9. check out the cop trying to get kids off of graffiti your community thanks you your community not being here. p.s learn to spell, you're on a computer it does spell check for you as you type
  10. TECH how about you stay the fuck out of here with your shit
  11. maybe im wrong, but if you look back on his other stuff, thats kind of the way he does it...
  12. fucking sick kbar 2 has beef with kbar 1 DUH!
  13. when has being retarded been a food thing?
  15. no prob bro! i am possibly
  16. this is what im always talking about 1.in all honesty the joke that was previously displayed has nothing to do with either one of you 2. liam your post made almost no sense. it was like a conversation with yourself 3.if this forum is bullshit go to another one 4.forums are made for talking 5. it sounds like im preaching all the time but if there was just more pics, less shit talking, and people understanding jokes better i wouldn't need to say anything and it wouldn't be a question if we should tag houses.
  17. if this was the case then every house would have shit on it luckily its not and hopefully never will be
  18. 1. your i Oregon shut the fuck up about the rain 2. there's enough beef on the internet and in portland in general, you don't need to some on here and say shit about something that was obviously annoying just so trogg or iron chef will give you props(which they wont-unless clever). 3. maybe it's the fact that its 2am, but im a little tired of all the hating on here. if you dont like someone or have beef with them, confront them, cross them, whatever but i want more pics and less "blah is biting bleh's b" more than half of all graff has a little biting for inspiration. thats it for now
  19. from what i remember more than half of these people also tag swastika's.... so with all respect i cannot concur with your bump
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