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  1. Agro you really don't know what your talking about.so please keep your mouth shut.Sad when someones so toy that they have to ride every ones dicks so people will forget how horrible you are. How about you post some of them oldskool iome joints for us?Since you know so very much about Baltimore graff and all. This city looks like shit.What happened to people that can bomb and piece?Seems to be a dying breed in this city.Its sad all you have to do to get into a crew in this city is go to the bar.
  2. holy fuck! they are drippy! who the fuck cares?!
  3. Baal is the new Spcone.If you have seen one you have seen them all.Who the fuck cares if its in New York city? This is Baltimore last time i checked. I highly doubt anyone peeps this thread to check for the latest brh hallows.
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