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Posts posted by WaddaWadda

  1. Maybe the reason "McLovin" acts this way is because younger writers have seen that all we need to do is diss everybody at the wall and change our name and sicker will take us under his wing and put us in LED and shit.Valet wrote baren a while back and dissed EVERYBODY too and now look at him painting whole trailers and getting his outlines and shit done by sicker.I heard people talking about how sicker says he dont even wanna paint with moms that much anymore and just wants to paint with valet.Baren didn't even get beat up either, just Ahem did and it wasn't even bad.Fuck all of you old assholes, your all on drugs anyhow.



    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^







    hats off to that woem.

  2. only thing better than a page full of handstyles is being able to spot a fake-ass attention whore.



    on another note: shi, try and keep your letters more proportioned to themselves. size em up a bit differently.

  3. If my mom took away my paint, I would kill everyone in my family because now I can't bomb the system....




    jus' saying and no disrespect




    you would be an idiot to say that graffiti is only a lifestyle. some people don't bomb and stay strictly in the books. but its one man's opinion to himself


    everyone is in it for different reasons. but just because you can write your name in a book, doesnt mean your a writer. people claim this all the time, but when it comes down to it, if your not putting your name out in public, whats the fucking point? a book is for practice until your confident enough to go bomb.


    i guess this is useless, trying to explain this in the toy thread...some kids just dont get it...

  4. yo yoooo. some feedback would be nice. get me interested in this site mane. im only lookin to post pics of my lesser used alias's


    that ain't bad, biggity-bump that.

    post some more stuff, neonX!


    boom, you'd be a lot better if you would stop mistaking an illegal and very personal lifestyle with your "hobby". some of us actually take graff seriously and go out and paint. when your rant on like you know what your talking about, it just makes you look like an idiot.

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