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acros <gmf>

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Everything posted by acros <gmf>

  1. bump my niggas remo,and boo 36 free boo
  2. yardwanderer why dont you go suck a dick in the yard for some scraps you jock..now you stfu,and do what you do best fag,and post me some more pics so i can look at.
  3. ^^ ur right if we had less 12oz clowns(oop's i mean 12oz gangsters) and more guys just posting pics it would be the shit..but unfortunatly thats not the case here.
  4. aww asp wasnt you saaying last week how you dont even have money for the cream cheese to put on your bagel...now this week,your a fly 300 pound model nigga,thats a big time baller..you need to make up your mind there kiddo..you cant be a fat broke dude with no cream cheese, 1 week.then next week your a fat fly dude who eats steak,and eggs for desert. if me living on my own paying my bills,cause i'm over 30 with a felony(correction i have 2 felonies) who likes to look at graff pics a failure..then i'm guilty,you got me...but what does that make you,being that you cant wait till you come on here..to read my comments,and to keep begging for my attention,by responding, even when i'm not talking to you?? that makes you a LYING FATASS FAILURE OF A JOCK, WHO KEEPS JOCKING ME..
  5. heres a little food for thought,for all you graff legends,and god's. take a look at any pic that i said "bump my nigga _________" those dudes that i bump,again only the pics that say "BUMP MY NIGGA _________" are dudes that know me for a long time. and that i also know for a long time...so if you know any of these dudes. get at them,and ask about me..till them seriously hop off my dick. cause i'm done feeding you trolls..
  6. all you kids that wanna say i'm VS,and police is really a weak COP out.. *no pun intended*
  7. wow dudes on here actually have the nerve to talk shit like they somebodies when there nobodies..lmao.
  8. well what happened tough guy,i sent you a PM..whats the matter now,let me guess i pulled your card,your not as tough as you claim.and you dont wanna SYN cause your really the nobody..fucken toys are so funny..:p
  9. ohh great mom jokes,how cool are you..you have to be atleast 12 years olds...puff puff the only thing you probably puff on is cock,little fagot.
  10. damn 80's crack babies..i cant win..to many of you kids..*smh*
  11. omg another 1 that wants to jump on the ball sack. instead of 12ozprophet,they should call this 12oz toy clowns..lol
  12. then use it,like i said i dont wanna argue with you little kids. but im not also gonna let you little kids disrespect me either. never once did i ever come on here popping shit to anybody IM.. its always somebody wanting to get at me,like i got a sticker on my forehead that reads "pick on me please" like seriously WTF!! lol
  13. i wish dudes would just STFU,and post pics fam..but i'm not gonna sit here and just let niggas in here disrespect me, and not say nothing back to them dawgs.i'm not a trouble maker, but i'm also nobodies punk either.
  14. touchy,touchy,i'm gonna safely assume the my 2nd guess of you was the right 1..cause you see the vein bulging out your neck,your face feeling flushed,as you type hysterically to respond to me..i own that! i own you! i met you a 1000 times before,just a different screen name..your a coward who hides behind a screen name via~the net..A NOBODY!! so i'm not worried about you at all BREH..lol still cant get over that my little slimey FLEM SNOT..lmao..i'll show you what i'am about,pm me what you write,and if your as famous as you claim to be i'll personally go out tomorrow and rag ur shit,and take a before and after shot of it..and i'll even do it in ur hood..so syn in ur PM..punk,untill then eat a big 1 BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH!!:D :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  15. if this doesnt sound like a C.I./VS i dont know what does..:confused:
  16. cool you never heard of me..even better,i probably never heard of you either (BREH) LOL.i just gotta ask how old are you..are you 1 of these little kids whos dumb,and cant spell to good,or are you some old head whos just trying to sound and look cool on the net?? i hope its my first assumption. rather then my second..lol cause who really say's things like (breh,flem) lmfao!! you 12oz G's really give me a good laugh..REALLY!
  17. yo but seriously guys,i dont come on here to argue,fight,or anything in that matter..you guys dont like me,or what i have to say,just ignore me.thats all any of you have to do.its as simple as that..other wise just dont say nothing to me,and i'll be more then happy to do the same.i dont know any of you guys,or what any of you write.nor do i even care to know you,or what you all write. you got a lot of old heads that do know me,and know what i'm about. you guys just never heard of me cause i been in prison for a while, and havent been bombing..but if any of you from brooklyn,just ask about me..but it dont matter..cause really i dont have anything to prove to anyone of you's..
  18. asp why do you keep begging for my attention?? always got something to say.. i told you my man,we have nothing to say to each other anymore.your still a fat toy who's a jock,and a failure at life it's self. i never said id wasnt a real writer you big hooked on phonics ass fool, learn how to read moron..you just another fan jumping on the band wagon. fall back.
  19. yeah you guys got me,i'm VS..and i'm trying to catch all you no name wannabe's *smfh* you know what,fuck what i say,or what i do..if any of you toys feel like i said something wrong..pm me. i'm not some little kid to be arguing on the net..unlike all you gangsters..so i'm threw.
  20. hope you drown in ur own vomit while you sleep.:D
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