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Everything posted by flufy

  1. squeek? hahah why the fuck would anybody want to see a couple tags from a nobody?
  2. your talking shit about a AM a crew you rep? talking shit about FDP, while at the same time praising dest? who drops FDP? dropping names on the internet? hating on writers who have past away? coming back to perth for a book release thats about a LEGAL wall? thats cool jail time? thats cool aswell
  3. its a diges isnt it? hahahaha dont worry heyo just get up more and people will say its original
  4. worst perth section dd has had. dwel probly the only one worthy of being in it
  5. looking at the crap diges and tape are rocking tho, now thats fucking retarded!
  6. real graffiti^^^ bring back the 90's!!!!!
  7. horfe is shit aswell! guess theres no emphises on outlines these days? its ok to be shit if your popular? no need to defend your "mates" i dont no either of them, im just saying it how it is without any bias.
  8. dude you write okie i dont need to say anythig else
  9. hmm are we serious. the kids shit! look at the shit he rocks at days spots, its fukn horrid! dont mistake being toy for originality! biek burns him to the ground! handstyles pieces everything! popularity is fuck all!
  10. there in a yard in melbourne... but you gota ask auto before you go there, its his yard
  11. fuck any legal shit, sell-out cunts, if your to old to commit illegally take up lawn bowls or someshit. art fag shit should be left in the gallery's not the street. go to melbourne to see that shit! respect to cunts that put abit of risk into getting up, not rocking up in some city allays with 100 premiums and a 2 week time frame! request any real graffiti with some level of risk?
  12. it was in yesturdays west australian paper. its fucking hipocritical from the government, after all the heat there tryna put on writers in the news lately, then they pay some art fags to come to our city and do this shit? i hope it gets covered in tags!!!
  13. sunday times had another article on graffiti. hotham valley carriages getting painted. if anybody cares to scan the article and post it up
  14. vermn KSK killed trains with scratchies... thats about as far as his graffiti career went tho
  15. every body has seen them flicks! should of just posted the link for the few kids that havent.
  16. heyyo has offically posted the worst 20 flicks to ever be put onto the thread! great way to advertise graffiti in our city u dumb fuck!
  17. the train is sitting on standard gauge bogies, which they use to transfer them to perth, where they are then fitted to narrow gauge bogies so they can travel on perths network. the only places in perth u could paint them with standard bogies u wouldnt have a fence in the way like in the picture.
  18. im pretty sure that panel wasnt done in perth
  19. maybe you should do an outline for him bles, your crap shouldnt take long to paint
  20. BUMP that nas and cyber!!!!
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