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Everything posted by buckbang

  1. im not mad at ya.its funny you find so much time to screw around on the internet while your at work.the bird and the girl huh.you will be allright.you got your job and your education.not to many guys can say they get paid to fuck off on 12 oz
  2. good shit bump my nigga nebs.i would rather have my shit look like some ones then cheerlead on the side lines or sit the bench
  3. your still on the bus thing...hey im sure your a cool guy.you spend way to much time on the computer.its like we got a game of show and tell your telling me alot but showing me shit.im not trying to argue with some one i dont know who spends all there time making there point on 12oz .you got me you liberated riding the bus your not really free until you give up material possesions money doesnt buy happiness...your not shopping at the right places.next im going to her size dont matter.ask your girl if you have one if she loves a big cock..:eek:
  4. those girls are fuckin crazy.bump minors jumpin out of windows runin from elroys.bringin home lasagna ha!
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