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Everything posted by buckbang

  1. remainunderateds auto graph is legalize it the fag is talking about gay marriage
  2. fuckin faggot how u underated when you are not rated at all...you like the taste of penis or something.you wouldnt be saying zzzzzz if your boyfriend had a marker in his ass.
  3. any one get flicks from tubs today?ncll should of brought a camera instead of the invisible bat.:lol: :lol: :lol: no show huh.:lol:
  4. who am i looking for a 15 year old boy in some bright skinny jeans.then i suppose i will say hey which one of you are user name ncll.if your really trying to get something going pm some one until then stay off that bitch you call a mothers computer.you jerk off
  5. yeah bump kato!i have a feeling kato would punch you.
  6. ncll yeah right buddy.any one know who this guy is????you keep posting dumb shit...you said go to jail for posting fliccs out of region,,,you made a full page of faggot ass fail pics...the grafs dead comment is corny...and calling any ones fliccs they post boring is fuckin dumb.quit runnin your bitch ass little fingers on here.whats up with the comment about fight for a can of paint?lets meet up at tubs on sunday we can film u getting knocked out and you getting face painted like pac man did that vato...every ones a big shot behind the key board go fuck around in the toy thread.boy
  7. :burn: :skull: :skull2: no tlok coments from the wise guys by the way ncll shut the fuck up
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