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Posts posted by `Melinoe

  1. I think it's funny how people who claim to hate religion so much make such a big deal about it.


    There are just as many, if not more, people who are stupid/ignorant etc that aren't religious.

    Oh wait. Religion starts wars oh noes.


    Why someone, who doesn't push their religion on anyone else, bothers so many people is a giant question to me.


    In fact, I wonder if majority of people were Satanists or whatever, would people be giving as much of a shit?

    • Like 1
  2. Earl, Daily Session always delivers. Thanks for putting me onto that site.


    Now I know this is about crate dug, Golden Era but I like a lot of what's coming through now-a-days from the Bay:




    This guy has a great voice. He's just got one of those classic sounding voices.

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