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Posts posted by itsmebitches

  1. Sorry I missed Neo when I was learning. Damn. I guess I should quit.

    wasnt tryin to get into an Acros vs. Invisible_Man inter-battle, but Im starting to figure out why none of the OGs give the yungins any knowledge OR styles...........as you can see when u look at the walls these days, probly never heard of EASY, JOSH 5 or DCEE b4 last year either.....forgive me for trying, at least the fake NEO got some new letters from the newspaper article cuz he's TOY, hopefully he uses them....then he can say i never heard of him OR seen these letters b4....good luck

  2. So you're at least 40 plus. That's fantastic.

    Ummmmmmmmmmmm, NOPE, but I attended Graff 101..............n for starters, when new jacks are looking for a tag, they can go to a bookstore OR public library n look at graff books to see what happens to be taken already, then maybe some of you guys will have heard of people besides who is rockin now n thinkin all this bull crap is off the "HEZE"........:):):)

  3. That article is retarded. And the Daily News saying he's the city's most wanted vandal. I never even heard of him til today.

    u never heard of NEO R.I.S???? GRAFF 101...LOL....or the FAKE?? he obviously didnt attend...hahaha....he was probly hangin wit FIB, CRO, CAP, MIN, SHY n WEB(all the fake ones).....these detectives aint too good at matching hand writing styles.......thats usually one of there techniques...hahaha

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