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Everything posted by Mr.Snowstorm

  1. ok kids i have no more time for 12oz so long
  2. oh and he killed a fly on the cnn show that was pretty funny thats the only proactive thing he did besides go on a vaction but only he benifts from taht
  3. ok so obama been office for about 6 months now and what ''change'' did he make ?? all he did was lie and pocket money
  4. dont be fooled thats actualy azels ass
  5. can some one explain what that 1984 stands for i see k also know as kest putting that up all the time
  6. hey marty glad to see you're back but thats not jt's face thats cose jts fff face now where he got that face from is a whole diffrent story.
  7. etch u neve learn how to keep your mouth shut .u got beating waiting for u garry
  8. try smoking dust u can pull it off
  9. try learning how to read it says 09
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