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Everything posted by TOODAMNFRESH

  1. Blast my pm if not u a stright up sucka
  2. U niggas be cryin like bitchs on hear stright up
  3. Stop runin yor mouth about tdf hit my pm wit a fone number now or pm me an ill shoot minez
  4. Stop runin yor mouth about tdf hit my pm wit a fone number now or pm me an ill shoot minez
  5. Anybody got any atack rampage menis meriez flick post them bitches for yor boy
  6. Soa is a gud sho. Opie stright gasd that cunt bitch. Hahaha. On another note support your local red and white.
  7. Hella love it. Come on bruh a lil paint dripd on yor stamp. Hit my pm if u need to... Tdflock
  8. free lost got the cutty tdf ark shot. was that an tdf?
  9. gud shit verse fearless youngstaz
  10. bump thm og shots of the homie kesa kid binds and awae
  11. fuck all that babalon bull shit........... mmmmm this turkey is smackim hahahahaha
  12. bump the video im runin on a stamp in the begining of it win he talkn bout tagers bump tame and amc hahahaha
  13. them dade hands go hard.... these flick is hella fresh
  14. hts niggas doin they thing black and orange
  15. hahaha fatass got butter on his teeefh
  16. fck you gotta start sum were let the battles begin
  17. damn brah wat is that looks like a jail fo jews kids
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