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Everything posted by jROSE

  1. right next to the walgreens.. u can see that shit stupidly off 47.. its a lil rooftop i think it was armor stil and fama...
  2. have u fliked the fills on 47th and pulaski...?
  3. still n fame r killin it... the fantastic duo lol
  4. this nigga is delusional... no1 likes you armany wearing ass fool... go suck on dick like u suck on thay cuban cigar... :cool: undercover fag..!!!!
  5. damnu can serve punch out of her ass...!!! thats banger right there... :cool:
  6. nigga is thirsty for fame on the net thats y he talks shit... no one recognizes him in the streets thats y he is on here making a fool out of himself... me kago de la risa... sirskor = MAS PUTO!!!!
  7. im laughing hard... yall think r all mighty and shit... streets r talking... all these type talking shit is played out.. man up lil lad!!!!!!!!! jealousy is a female trait homie!!!!!!!! este guey es MAS PUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
  8. dont ever sing in tis threat again.... go grip the MAN'S dick.... no hate but u aint on shit... pEace...
  9. AMEN!!! to that... this nigga thinks he got shit.. puppet ass nigga... lol CSTHUGS
  10. nigga r u mad??? i dont cheer for none pleya.. fuck that!!!! isnt this a graff threat???? lI go debate whose got more money somewhere else.... BUM LIFE!
  11. watch out with tha ballers.... lol
  12. put that on a blunt and smoke it... fire like a dubsak of kush... :D :D :D pass that 40 this way homie....
  13. i can see the difference... lol bump my niigga maner... what up (N)
  14. i should of known... well nice to meet you skor.. LOL:D
  15. that zeb fill got buffed acouple days ago... i only got to seee the tags... sirskore what u write?
  16. is that a newz label on that lil monster.?
  17. lol this one is a hottie.... wave ur guns in the air in form of protest...!!!!! fuck the cops and that nigga faggoli should rot in a box....!!!
  18. i agree niGa needs to get lynched..!!!! mob action!!!!
  19. are thse guys chitown mul members or just outta town folkks?
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