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Everything posted by silentmile

  1. that elusive was only up for 4-5 days. bummer,... i know
  2. yeah i just got a new cam so ive been flickin like crazy. Ill post more up later
  3. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2797/4270254823_4b9bcda1d7_b.jpg
  4. but flickr does not let me post pics on here????
  5. so whats the best site to host my pics? I dont like photobucket anymore....whats everybody use?
  6. yeah thats a rad spot. But im pretty sure that shit only rode for a couple weeks
  7. you can see her tits 1:50....just thought id share that with you guys.
  8. haha, what a douche^^^^ your clueless kid
  9. for real homie. that skull thing is hideous
  10. You think choke is gonna keep writing "choke" when he gets out?
  11. yall are hoes, choke runs indy
  12. Choke is no doubt the illest in Indiana. Best of luck to him
  13. btw its not a good idea to have your graff name as your name on 12oz. Notice how noone does that. Not safe
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