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Everything posted by THEREWILLBEBLOOD

  1. and meanwhile that London dude (Eine) with his one font, boring tag lines, and wack colors schemes is getting illegal walls turned into his legal walls all over? How is he any different from plasma?
  2. Where all them Easy, Marty, Hso hands?
  3. Ignore dude... OHFUCKYESSSS! just hates on everyone on here especially Lords
  4. RIP king AYER. Pioneer for graffiti much like TIE. Toys taggin over that shit should be ashamed. I know it aint S.F. but people need to know. Old transbay S.F. spot skab aka Retna & Ayer
  5. I wish there were more white people in Portland :(
  6. Thr was dead for a while until 2007 when a certain someone brought it back. I know some people in Thr that arnt even feeling other fools in it, only in S..f. Just saying before you preach "your" crew as an "institution" and "power crew"
  7. Tunks aint caught tags that looked like that in years. Don't call the "S" patent police pretty please.
  8. New jacks always going over older cats trying to get bars. Seen this kid do this alot recently. Bump the homies Resk and Saze go repaint that shit.
  9. The only thing I seen in the tunnel recently
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