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Posts posted by whoshotyah

  1. anybody_wanna_peanut?

    Junior Member



    Posts: 98

    Join Date: Feb 2010

    Status: Offline Re: The True Story Of Selling Heroin In New York - Yesterday, 09:41 PM


    i just recently got clean off heroin, i been struggling with it ever since i started using it, a little over a year ago. Im clean now and getting to this point was really really hard, I was able to get clean with the support of my family, specifically my wife. My wife has been away for for a couple years doing work..and i started using again when she left after new years. I used heroin to deal with my loneliness, anxiety, and depression, and i guess it worked, considering i was oblivious to everything going on around me. Shit started to get really really bad. I couldnt make it through my day with out using, around 11 or 12 o'clock the sickness would set in, chills, sweats, nausea, aches and pains, and i would have to run to the bathroom and get my fix, didnt matter where i was. The shit basically took over my life. I didnt have the heart to tell my wife, out of fear that she would leave me, but she knew something was wrong with me, she just didnt know what. I finally decided enough was enough, and i knew i had to stop, it was either stop, or lose everything that meant anything to me, and i couldnt imagine not having my wife, and i couldnt deal with the thought of dying and leaving her all alone. So i stopped, told her what was up, she had know i was messed up, she just didnt know it was so serious. I was clean for a week, maybe a little longer, and i relapsed, I wish i knew what the fuck i was thinking at that point, because i swore to myself that i would never put anyone through that again, including my self, considering that heroin withdrawal is the worst sickness i had ever experienced. After i started using again, i wasnt as bad as before, I would wait as long as i could before i would use, usually using late at night. This was the stupid thing i could have done. I decided that i really really needed to fucking stop, or i would die, i could literally feel myself dying, I was killing myself slowly, and for what? at this point, the heroin wasnt even getting me high, it was just making it so my body wasnt sick. I wasnt having fun, i was using by myself, even arund friends, i would hide it. I live in the philadelphia/ camden, n.j. area, and the shit is everywhere, literally everywhere. kennsington and somerset is basically an open air drug market, anyone who is familiar with this area knows how bad it is. I finally stopped shooting up, but i was so scared to get sick, i started using oxys and roxys and shit like that, not to get high, just so i wouldnt get sick. I finally stopped that shit, and what do you know, i got sick worse than i had been the first time. I stopped because i knew that if i didnt, i was gonna end up dead. kicking that shit is one of the hardest things that i have ever done, but now that i am clean, i actually feel good about myself, it feels good to just to be alive, and not be a zombie.. anyway, the point of the story is that this drug will really fuck up your life. If anyone out there is thinking of trying it for some reason, just dont, its not worth the trouble it will bring you, i promise you that. If anyone is struggling with addiction and wants to know more details about how i got through it, feel free to pm me. Please please do not fuck with this drug, i wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemies, well maybe some of them, but really, this drug is like a death wish, a cheap one at that, and a good way to lose everything important in your life. Fuck heroin.








    Drained and blue

    I bleed for you

    You think it's funny

    Well you're drowning in it too

  2. that cro def deserves a face palm, and what the fuck is that black shit? best thing to hit jersey yet?? really??




    wow cant believe a dope head is talking to me this way, i usually give them coins when i bump head with them in the streets bombing.... that what u want peanut some of my spare change so u can smack again... lol....to me u are the egg in the commercial hahahahavvvvvvv



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