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Sleeper Cell

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Posts posted by Sleeper Cell

  1. I still dont see the correlation between good grammar and listening to FACTS. Im not in fucking school you prick, so I dont care. But maybe you should go get an education and step up how well you comprehend things, cause obviously you cant watch a reletively short video and just LISTEN to what it has to say.


    ha sure man, you keep watching youtube videos buying into EVERYTHING they say and i'll stick to learning via life experience.


    *thumbs up*

  2. Well gee, what a witty comeback. Come on dick, I was typing fast and the O is right above the L, caling me out and trying refuting what I said with that is childish at best. But if thats an excuse to not use your brain fine, your just a child.


    you are using the word your improperly as well.....




    maybe you could step your brain up as well and get an education, before trying to sling random conspiracy stories on the net to me.

  3. No idiot it was out of scale for the terrorists who live in a cave in the middle east to put together. Just cause its put together by a cololege kid doesnt make any of the facts invalid. There are sooo many things wrong with the story of 9/11 that was told to us, use your own brain and think about it.


    Watch this movie. It does a better job at breaking down everything thats wrong with 9/11.


    I feel like if you cant spell college correctly your point is invalid and you are now banned from calling anyone an idiot.

  4. watch a video on yout tube called loose change.. its like 2 hours but well worth it.

    i watched it 2 times back to back.


    bush caused 9-11.




    and you didnt think anything was dumb about it?


    anything that was put together by some 17 year old and imovie im not going to care that much for......at the same time, dont get me wrong our gov does some suspect shit, but 9/11 was a bit out of their scale.

  5. do u want me to post pieces i got.... w.e. u say erge. yah sorry im not like seir whos been writing for 14yrs and is stuck on the same style.....hmmmm.....or like u how long have you been writing like 10 yrs? hmmm ight then. fgt.


    matt, stop inviting us to come hang out with you at the green turtle :(


    its awkward and you guys are just some lame herbs who cant talk your way into a real bar.....i'll see you around though :)

  6. ill be sure to post all the straight letters and throwups i do over your legal walls and pieces . c you soon pussy.


    I'd enjoy that.....just realize the consequences.....i do hope to see you around though



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