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freddy freeloader

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Everything posted by freddy freeloader

  1. who the hell is "red" ? and how is that sime's E?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WN0hPc8lrQ&feature=PlayList&p=2EF83519069905EE&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=33 bangerrrr
  3. that queen and most of those eons are tight
  4. Nothing wrong with outlines. It's what you have to do these days to get over on the buff and the Feds. Yungun you're a toy and know nothing about bombing in DC let alone "street fills". And does GA(y) stand for gaping assholes? What a crew name...
  5. Wow "kei 21" ??? good job biting rei 21. fuckin toys
  6. dope! wheres that other chicken, fish, & fruit truck at?
  7. Nice wall with con and lord dickhead and dad.
  8. What the hell are you talking about? Fuckin weirdo
  9. That dude doesn't need beer and cigarettes. He needs straight crack and heroin. That dudes crazy
  10. roes had an arrow attack. nice train.
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