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the otha side

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Everything posted by the otha side

  1. n niggas robbed ya camps chain u kno
  2. only nigga run was les and nemzi lol they heard niggas was coming like yo yo we gotta dip niggas niggas is coming! devi u soft look how many fucking accounts u mad u half ass rapper ya cru filled up with a hole bunch of gold fish so play ya role u aint what u claim to be ! you wouldnt show up to a fight if ya life depended on it plus u got played by ya mans n say it was fixed lol devi is buns
  3. dogs after that blacbook page u suck u prolly jus started graff lol this nigga hung out in scrap yard everyday 9-5 to meet writers lame
  4. dogs how is it to get beat up by the dust the other night niggas got that on video slime flu! yo chill its only the internet sucks to be u walking with that racooned up faace
  5. take my dick out ya mouth !!. send mom dukes ill do her justice
  6. toy galore ! that that canvas and fush down wastemanagement!
  7. yo stop dick riding if u seen bezt .. my niggas the day all come u wack and toy learn how to boogey board on a wall with paint u toy dickriding ya other toy nigas i havent seen one real fill of urs talkin outa ya mouth herb
  8. lol always gotta be one of you u wudnt even come close to a piece like that with that idea in the loop
  9. these niggas are whack lol showing their stripes:lol:
  10. its all good at least niggas on this side keep everything 100 you cudnt keep withing 100 feet of us you lame! hate us cuz u aint us plus u tight u docked from daddy nox aha
  11. this kid shud get punched back into his mothers pussy for being pussy ya mother shoulda swallowed ya frail ass rip tem
  12. sham wow tight look at em i see u its all good dont take it offensifly i know who you are its not cool to have several accounts on here shows how much in person youd have to say:lol:
  13. back to un scheduled programing.. rip tem SKUMLIFE 2010 AND RUNNING
  14. SHAMWOW ...DICKRIDER= A dick rider see's no flaw in whatever they are dick riding at the time, and if you happen to offer an opinion or simply not like whatever a dick rider likes, the dick rider will consider your a "hater" for offering your opinion.
  15. truth hurts ..i see dickriding is your main concern on here
  16. see you have child written all over your ora you wouldnt know about work cause your graff career is a long as a track meat!
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