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Posts posted by FN RAWK KILLZ

  1. Just tossing in my 2 cents in on the topic of decals.


    Decals look good, and from a collectors to a extream rail fans point of view. They are great. But I personaly dont like them. Its the artist in me that says. Go fuck your decals. Especially if the artist isnt getting paid for the graffic. Or at least getting some decals for him self. I cant say I know much about the decals at all. So I have a biased opinion. As like I said I dont know if theres more to it then some one just making copys of pieces they find online and useing them to make decals to sell? Or if theres something else worked out. What ever the case maybe. Its more then likly better to not say on here.


    I also know that the normal run of the mill hobbie lobby type of model train guy dosnt know the difference or care. They just want to make the train look real. Which I can dig. But like I said don't trully appreciate. I dont know, Maybe someday I will change my mind. Maybe when i start seeing mine being sold and used. LOL But for now thats how I feel.

    With all that said. Just like everything else. Everything has its place.


    Thanks for the compliments on the weather.


    When I get to weathering another ill post it.


    mad props on the weathering unfortunately i cant give any props on the decals...... especially being a writer or being into graffiti, its not that hard to get a real writer to paint something if all else fails offer him/her a few bucks and markers..... and it will make your collection a whole lot better and probably worth a lot more also

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