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After School Suckysucky!

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Posts posted by After School Suckysucky!

  1. glad you're safe. it's probably just some little emo faggot trying to get attention.


    Just because someone likes to cry to fallout boy and likes to style his hair and wear tight pants and occasionally make out with boys doesn't make him a faggot. And even if he likes boys more than girls so what?


    God you're such a neaderthal.

    I was raised by two gay men and I turned out just fine.

  2. HAs anyone here ever added a bunch of maple syrup (i bet honey would work aswell) to a glass of milke and stirred it up really good?????? Deliciouss!ss


    Is that any good? Do you have any data on it? Like maybe a flow chart or some kind of ranking from a 1 to 10 scale of good or bad?

    I can't think of what that would taste like without some kind of data to give me an idea.

  3. Some people need to be exterminated.


    Anyone see that Law & Order with Ludacris?


    It was a dope episode.




    Exterminated for what? For making teh babiez? You're just a prejudiced neanderthal.

    You're the same type of person who would be against interracial couples.

    It's time to move on from prejudice little boy. If two consenting adults want to makez teh babiez then who cares?

    Show me some data that says their kids will be made fun of. You can't because that data doesn't exist you retard.

  4. This is disgusting, I can't believe that her parents would give birth to a two faced baby.


    It's going to get made fun of in school, fucking morons!




    Dude, nobody gets made fun of. What are you talking about? You're a fucking moron if you think a kid will get made fun.

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