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Allah Snackbar

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Posts posted by Allah Snackbar

  1. furies111.jpg

    me and my bro 2 years ago im rocking this one again its a classic.. but i cant believe how many people dont know who the baseball furies are. and even worse wen they think we are from a video game..


    props dude, ive been considering this one for a couple years and I think ima finally do it this year. where'd you get the furies tees?

  2. 573769049_15ad3b15f4_z.jpg


    A Digital Audio Workstation with no "MIDI Out" capabilities??? FAIL!

    I am in absolute disbelief at the audacity of this man getting a tattoo of a Digital Audio workstation with absolutely ZERO MIDI out capabilities! Preposterous! This will cause an uproar in a forum that actually gives a shit!





  3. I like to make sure I wear the shoes that make me feel the tallest when I know I'm gonna' meet new people. Makes me feel a bit more dominate and for some reason, people just take someone with a good height more serious....I don't know...


    This. I'm 6' 4" and hardly get fucked with. except by the police.



    Put vitamin E on scars you don't like

  4. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!!


    Okay well it's really easy.

    I learned this the other day.


    As we all know 1=√-1.


    So if 1=√-1 then we can break it down to √-1 * -1 (both of those numbers are within the square root.) Now with the rules of multiplying radicals, we can split the √-1 * -1 into two separate radicals like this √-1 * √-1, which equals i². According to imaginary numbers, i² is equal to negative one.


    So 1=-1


    theres a math thread br0

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