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Posts posted by xTANEx

  1. something i did real quick in the library.. fuck midterms.


    decy urs is looking dope 2.. olse ink that 1st one in! those are good..


    brew..ill throwie...mad style.

    does..the S is wierd ...and space out ur letters more...

    yuri...like the second one...kinda looks arabic style..i dunno if u meant to do it that way..

    tane something about that A is off..

    donald..u shud practice more str8s cus it wud definatly help out ...


    not really feelin this one.

  2. Ok, i can already see progress with you, so i'll guess i'll give a little more suggestions.


    Do you actually like the letters in the name REFLEX?

    Or did you pick it because it sounded cool?

    Either way, i dont really like the name too much(kinda toyish), so i would tell you to just start drawing random words, or just different combinations of letters, until you find letters you really like to draw, and THEN turn those letters into a name you like to write.

    And keep in mind your tag doesn't even have to be a real word.

    trueee. 5 letters is ehh. and x's suck

  3. try doing simpler letters to begin with, I dont know the letters just look uncomfortable

    ive already like done throws with simple letters. so I figured I would change it up a bit.

    but how are they "uncomfortable" so I can try to improve on thatt

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