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Everything posted by BLOODCLOT FUCKERY!

  1. coke head or not this is something you should watch....... supreme mathematics right here real talk and just to let you know this is a bbc documentary not some bullshit that was spun together by some nut with a lap top
  2. if you feel like learning something you should check this out its a 4 hour documentary thats is well worth watching.......... "This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy." - Adam Curtis Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings profoundly. His influence on the 20th century is widely regarded as massive. The documentary describes the impact of Freud's theories on the perception of the human mind, and the ways public relations agencies and politicians have used this during the last 100 years for their "engineering of consent". http://www.archive.org/details.php?identifier=the.century.of.the.self
  3. on the low Hefs is actually an ill artist......
  4. I never noticed that prt fillin in that tunnel shot shout out to that man right there stand up dude from harlem RFC reppin!
  5. I have to agree with this I wasnt even trying to go there with this shit but its mad annoying to see dudes who are really into art and fashion and shit like that try to shit on people who are into the same exact things by placing some retarded label on them shit is stupid as all hell...... sorry I let myself get caught up with a moron who thinks he pulled my card by disagreeing with my statements and telling me my pants are tight my bad yall peace out!
  6. 1,046 and counting your hipster stock is rising steadily I dont dress like that I think thats type homo actually.....
  7. Im visably upset? really you pulled my card?and what was generic about my response? would you like a name brand response? ok peep this graffiti writers are the hipster elite..... the Illuminati of hipsterism if you will underground arstist who are up on everything first we know it all kidco word up ....... In the real world a person with a post count of 1,042 and counting on a graffiti art forum is considered a hipster my dudington lol get it together you are a mess!
  8. self hating hipster propaganda who do you think went up there with a gallon of bucket paint and a roller and did that? a gangster? a yuppie in a suit? a scholar? there are only a few people who sneak into abandoned buildings I think we of all people know who those people are
  9. Im hitting your soft center with facts...... your throwing back recycled jokes..... your a victim of anti hipster propaganda spread by self hating hipsters if you dont realize that you are looked upon in the same light as these people you hate so much then you are the "smart dumb nigga" my genius any one that you know that does not write graffiti but knows you write graffiti thinks your a dumb ass chew on that for a minute write it down on scrap paper and see if can get the #'s to add up these are are facts and if Im the dumb nigga yelling into his celly at the check cashing spot I guess that would make you the jerk off with the flashing blue tooth headset waxing poetically about sneakers in starbucks......
  10. hipster doofis indeed my guy im high as giraffe ass right now and I feel like talking shit whos in? twon cant calculate the math without getting emotional.......
  11. just the fact that you go to urban outfitters and know what they sell in there says you ARE a hipster........ hipsters are people who are into trends you know things that are considered "hip" half of you dudes are ill consumers of everything hip how many pairs of of retarded nikes do you own twon? Im sure its a few some how in the past few years people have gotten really confused and consider graffiti to be hardcore shit its not its art your an artist who risks his freedom for props thats not hardcore at all maybe hipster isnt the word for it then maybe nerd is better lol
  12. if you write graffiti you ARE a hipster...... if you have many multi colored nikes that you waited on line for you ARE a hipster.... if you wear "street wear" of any kind,brand you ARE a hipster....... get over it! you are one of these people its all good do you being thugged out is played out and wont do anything but get you locked up beat up or shot who the fuck wants any of that shit
  14. this is awesome on mad levels fuck all that other shit check this shit out!:cool: :cool:
  15. ha! ok my Cambodian your still sounding foolish that shit leeto went over was a piece you just cant really tell because he took a giant shit on it I dont really care because its not my work but jesus christ son has no right what so ever his shit is horrid! that shit there is the reason this shit is a felony that shit is an attack on every one of my senses I can taste how whack that shit is man cant you? am I bugging I dont think so my dullard
  16. Ive never done a legal piece in my life duke your lame your talking about annoying legals then you post a cope piece witch is most def legal all you kids who cant even do throw ups are allways annoyed by some one elses talent and thats the truth ruth..... and Im not mad Im just pointing out how stupid you sound how any one can even try to defend leetos horrid trash is mind boggling by it's self wet bum shit in the back of the train station has more appeal my guy!
  17. actually yes me and remo where getting in his ass all night no homo is this you my dunion? you havent improved at all my g not a stitch.....
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