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Posts posted by MimikOctopus

  1. Sub Tool Master for Zbrush Released. Info here including link to download: http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=59&t=605099


    This thread has inspired me to get back into organic modeling. My job has kept me more into hard surface work....

    Some examples:




    Yes I know the stairs are WAY off scale, but that's what the client wanted and I was not going to argue......


    Got some ideas up my sleeve, just need to find the time now.

  2. Meats Miere is crazy. He actually sold me on Zbrush after I saw him do a demo at Siggraph a few years back. Anyway, something to consider reading up on is surface topology and edge loops. It's one thing to make a good looking model, but sometimes you may find if your topology is incorrect things break or do things you don't intend when you try to pose the model.


    I wish I had more time to get back into Maya/Zbrush, but I'm back in school (I have a degree in 3d animation) for web development and between that and my internship I have no time. Good luck to everyone.


    When I get home I'll find the link I had to some GREAT tutorial movies that start with the very concept of Zbrush and it's interface, all the way to setting up image reference planes and then on to modeling a photo realistic human skull step by step. I snagged the course material off a teacher somewhere, though I'm sure it's on youtube at this point......


    An alternative to Zbrush if anyone is interested is called Mudbox. From what I hear it's a bit easier to use, Zbrush's interface is.... Cumbersome at times. Especially if you come from a more traditional 3d package. Hope to see some cool stuff here.


    *edit* found the link http://houseoftutorials.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=5&Itemid=29

  3. uh Vista? hows that working for you?

    oh thats right its not. Sorry.


    Actually lately I've been reading a good number of people that are fed up with the new Mac OS and are actually going back to PC (I read several posts, yes I know this is not the majority of people and all machines are prone to problems). That's not something you hear of very often. In fact most Mac users are fiercely loyal to Apple and will beat you with a rusty pipe if you talk smack about their fancy cased PC (they are made out of all the same parts, it's just the OS that seperates them)


    I've stuck with PCs because most times you get more bang for your buck, and if you are so inclined you can choose every single component. Also I do a lot of work in Maya, and at the time I purchased it, it was not available for the mac.


    I almost switched last year, but once again their video car configs were either crazy expensive, or a generation old.


    But design is design, has very little to do with the computer you use. Most software is available on both platforms so it's really just a matter of personal preference. There are a few things like Shake and Logic Audio that are Mac only (because Apple bought them) but there are similar tools that are available to the PC such as combustion, cubase, ProTools etc.


    Oh and I'm running Vista 64 bit and it's been rock solid for me. I don't know why people say it's such crap, it just wasn't designed to run on older hardware, and most vendors are putting their priority in writing drivers for their new gear, not slaving over drivers for a 4 year old video card. It is a bit bloated though, and heavy on resources, but if you have a beefy machine it's a good operating system. I remember everyone saying how crappy XP was when it first came out, now people won't give it up. Same will happen with Vista once the service packs are released and it becomes more stable for more people.


    Just my $.02

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