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Posts posted by Lymit

  1. Yeah, shit is mad toy, and disgusting! the last few pages.

    Regardless, bump Zone8 over turtl, gangstas.


    zone8 is the biggest toy tht ive ever seen

    he sucks

    and going over turtl

    tht dood is straight asking for a beating

  2. bombing isn't about what you, the mayor, or the other person thinks

    its for you

    that's the true essence of bombing

    if someone goes out and paints the same piece everytime

    then thts what they do, you can't stop them. if noun likes to go big, even if you don't like it, he's still gonna do it

    if you don't like rodeo's style

    then w/e U don't like it

    he's still gonna go out and bomb every wall tht he can.

    i think that sarcasm is right, we are just getting sucked up into the culture, we're not really appreciating the art

    do u remember the first time that you did a throw up

    even if it was the toyest, wackest, drippiest thing ever, you were pleased

    that's what im trying to say

    bombing is for you

    not for everyone else

  3. sry

    i saw a video on youtube once and it said tht cornbread was the first detroit graffiti artist, and i just went back on youtube, and watched another one, and it said differently

    and RAYNE2

    getursalad tossed, or w/e, he was talking bout the cornbread thing, not the earsnot one

    so yea

    sry for the mix up on the post

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