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What is Beef?

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Everything posted by What is Beef?

  1. This was all benched in Northern Colorado. Never saw you post shit.
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco them optimist's are dope
  3. What is Beef?


    nice tron and tasam
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco bump F WORD
  5. What is Beef?


    I take back what I said about that anroe throw. at first glance it does look good but there are E's hanging off every other letter. hm
  6. What is Beef?


    that anroe throw is dope
  7. What is Beef?


    um. ok. good one. you got me. way to ruin a page
  8. What is Beef?


    Oh and Paster, WOW. A few shitty stickers and more than half of what are mediocre throws and this makes you some kind of king worth looking at? Fuck outa here bitch
  9. What is Beef?


    Well holy fucking shit. That was a good job at stating what our god damn conversation just was. Did you figure that out all by yourself? So if your calling me a toy and a dick rider i'm going to assume that what im writing is already being written and probably better than how I am writing it. So if this is the case stop pussy footing and tell me this. If not, shut the fuck up Also, Paster, I don't know you and i have never talked shit to you but what I do know is that a lot of people are always calling you out for being a bitch made, e-cred seeking, old ass shit talking wannabe graff writer. But what do i Know
  10. What is Beef?


    Um, I still don't follow. Maybe the sarcasm is going a little over my head.
  11. What is Beef?


    Not the best, I know. Gotta work on it. What do you think
  12. What is Beef?


    Also, anyone who is good at one liners and would be interested in writing my name as one would be much appreciated. Ive been tying to dabble with that shit but cant quite get it. If not 's coo
  13. What is Beef?


    heres this. suggestions?
  14. What is Beef?


    maybe loose the eye and change up the c. and make everything flow. FLOW a LOT more
  15. What is Beef?


    someone had said in one of the throwups thread, dont remember who, that all throwies nowadays seem unoriginal. I would agree and I feel the same as mine. Ill post mine to see what yall think
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