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Everything posted by createdestruct

  1. i agree with $reaks... that last ares piece was. neeeehhhhhh. he's came cleaner. but then again people do take breaks so don't doubt that nigga. his holloween piece was on hit. the 05 one and last years! yeeee
  2. bumb that kid antes. being doing it since mid 06 and is still coming clean.
  3. at least this fool has his eyes open /\ /\ /\ RECOGNIZE 925 BASED GRAFF WRITERS! fucking H8rs! devote chez tyboe natrl, RSN CREW, LORDS, ARES, MR CREW, PHOE, RUENS, RUEL, ISM, OMS, MFL and so many more graff writters have started in this area!
  4. drove past i seen some fools rolling it up just now haha. but that ANTES is on hit! yall needa see his happy birthday piece and his shits under bart. MENORwas coming clean too! these fools got ups AND talent sure it looks like the LA shit. but they got it on lock and yall needa slide through oakland they got the freeway spots HANDLES
  5. i think they are too. i mean they're both some kids on islander. and both kind of big. so who knows. haha. little cousin i think.
  6. BAFL IN THE HOUSE? i'm coming out to your area real soon.
  7. bro you must not be from the 925. ask anyone from here dude. those are the peeps. arright maybe sicko is a chill spotter but raskl gets up NUT has put in work but is moving around to differents areas. SOLE is bombing the 925 and has been not to clean but he's been getting up and around. And i forgot about HEFR he's been done. this guy has been a solo bomber for dayz. i'm liking it.
  8. haha it's hella possible to rack montanas!! you guys dont even know.
  9. all these cats talkign shit about jamas and sole and sicko and whoever need to actually slide through the 925 and see who's putting in work ratehr than jstu looking here. Jamas put in alot of work the past 2 months and still has ups. SOLE has been bombing this scene for damn near a year. along with those KAO dudes and STM. last year the only ones really bombing were KAO and STM and then untill early fall late summer OMS MFL started to bomb again but ISM will still doing things little by little. dont front. AVOID,PIER,AWOL,ANTES,MENOR,SAVEL,NUT,SOLE,SICKO,RASKL,CHEEF the only ones realling BOMBING the 925
  10. mmm that ares is sloppy. very uinlike him. concept is koo though.
  11. hahaha stacks is a toy. nigga's getting hacked for life. jsut watch.
  12. STACKS. consider yourself crossed for life. you needa learn some fuckiong respect before going over niggas. stupid ass toy. you suck you've been writting for a weak and don't even bomb. all you use is your bitten ass style throw and a money bag. woopty woop. you PM me and appologize for going over SUE. and your good. otehr than that. fuck yo shit cuhz.
  13. STACKS. consider yourself crossed for life. you needa learn some fuckiong respect before going over niggas. stupid ass toy. you suck you've been writting for a weak and don't even bomb. all you use is your bitten ass style throw and a money bag. woopty woop. you PM me and appologize for going over SUE. and your good. otehr than that. fuck yo shit cuhz.
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