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Everything posted by esloc

  1. esloc

    831 cali

    kinda looks like a K
  2. esloc

    831 cali

    i wish i had a backyard.
  3. esloc

    831 cali

    nah i got a future.. but you cant forget where your from.
  4. esloc

    831 cali

    bump 7 east side kids beating the fuck outta a whole party of valley kids...
  5. esloc

    831 cali

    when i grow up i wanna be just like santa cruz... =)
  6. esloc

    831 cali

    word. screwface.... cmon man give it up already... just stop talking. n e one watch cat williams... well you would fall under the bitch nigga section hom E
  7. esloc

    831 cali

    ya thats my fam kiddo.! bump tko ftl mts pigs arts ..
  8. esloc

    831 cali

    word 81 red and white!
  9. esloc

    831 cali

    ill take a shit on your block.
  10. esloc

    831 cali

    ya but then that would be during our lifetime so its a plus.
  11. esloc

    831 cali

    just tells you that i get up when i can on foot ya know. not my favorite places at all im an oppertunist i go for gold kid. and i know a KREW gets up more than ME .
  12. esloc

    831 cali

    hahaha are you serious... kids these days.
  13. esloc

    831 cali

    what for being really fuckin gay.
  14. esloc

    831 cali

    steez n sailr hit up my fence.
  15. esloc

    831 cali

    nah i like eating shit tho... tell pabst hes cute.
  16. esloc

    831 cali

    everyone u kids talking watch this vid...
  17. esloc

    831 cali

    ya right kid .... this is what ill do to u http://www.bloodshow.com/files/flv/Unknown%20Russian%20Soldier.html
  18. esloc

    831 cali

    i fit in fine were im at, just mad kuz your gettin called out for being a fag.
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