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Everything posted by OldSalem

  1. First and foremost: neoh, watch your mouth.You don't want none and two of those writers that called you out are responsible for at least a thousand freights so they definately aren't fags.As a matter of fact, I believe you asked both of them to hit your black book in Asheville. Secondly the sketching in your cell was a metaphor.Meaning that if a yardmaster in winston salem starts noticing all these hoppers that's don't go anywhere far saying winston and tre4 and shit on them, he's gonna start patrolling the layups and people will get busted.This place is waaay too small for that.And yes arin we are homies, just be smart in the yard.Neoh if you got a problem, txt me from your girls phone and we'll take care of it.That or pm me.
  2. Godfuckingdammit!Have you no sense at all?Why the fuck would you do something so careless?And quit writing "Winston" and shit on trains, it's a sure way to end up sketching next to Bubba in a cell.
  3. Why don't you post the pyle thats at that spot?
  4. Relax did do the bird.Relax kills.
  5. Bump Vegas.Damn I miss that dude. And yeah I did forget to mention that all these people painting our little yards need to not be leaving shit laying around. Fowl Ill be seeing you in a couple weeks buddy.
  6. Yo this is for anybody to take however you want to.If you fucking go paint and the first thing you to afterwards is go post your pics on here or myspace, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.I can see if you did an amazing burner or snagged an awesome spot, then yeah sure.If you are doing the same old tired ass shit under some bridge then no way.Shit I wonder about loyalty and honor too, shits in short supply as far as I can tell.I hardly ever post pics and when I do, it's not my shit.I usually only post when a homie comes to town and does their thing.If I'm on the wall or spot close with them I'll throw it in yeah.One thing I'll never do is go to a spot where people are doing shit and paint and just come back and post only my shit.That's fucking lame.Anyhow that's my .02 and we all know that won't get you shit in this economy.
  7. Shit spicey, you know how it goes, shits around if you look.Not everybody rushes home after they paint to post up and self promo their shit on 12oz.We got so many snitches in this little town right now it's unbelievable.I hope you're having better luck out in the boro.
  8. Fowl tag in the boxcar.werd berd
  9. It goes blah blah blah, blah blah blah, then it stops. Bump sicr.
  10. Caught a Pyle at a hidden spot in winston today.Didn't have the cam though.Dudes getting around and his shits clean.Bump those Hanes a few pages back.Kids doing his thing and I'm glad for him.
  11. Yors Woem Celm Relm Kolun
  12. Goddamn. Rest in peace bro.
  13. Bump all these flicks lately
  14. Fowwwwwl for sure! That Obsoe is murder.Shit looks straight out of a Bode comic. And Woem is fucking sicker than swine flu, I just shake my head sometimes....
  15. Bump the freights That knowe is fucking sick
  16. Bump kolun's throwup.Shit is way stylish.
  17. Bump all the work on that ncsa wall.
  18. bump this page and the previous one.
  19. post(cuz 12oz is sweating me now)
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