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Everything posted by OldSalem

  1. Check out that 53 in front of the cloak.Almost preordained huh.
  2. In the floorboard with all the heat blowing on em on the way to the spot usually works.If its real cold you may have to make a couple trips to the car.And wear gloves unless you want a can of rusto stuck to your hand.
  3. I believe you are thinking of sicr.He's from out west.Not too sure about sour.
  4. Heath Ledger haha!! Bump the birdhouse bench!!! I know you got lots more homie, keep em coming.
  5. It's not unrelated homie, it's neverending.As far as bumping me, I could care less.I bump shit I like and my friends shit.I'm not on here to compete, just to observe.
  6. Whay are all these vegetarians asking for beef??You cats can't stomach that shit.Bump that moms shit and bump woem.
  7. So maybe you shold get a new hobby then.Maybe synchronized sack slurping....
  8. Bump all of the above^^^^^ Good work Fowl..I KNOW you have about 300 more pics on that laptop of yours.It's time to get the birdman's bench page started.
  9. Bump that birdmoms!!!!!! And the gyser interview in benchwarmers 7..
  10. Oh yeah... What the fuck did they put on that ncsa wall?You wipe it with your hand and shit thats weeks old will just smear..
  11. HA!! Skinny Zenny^^^^ bump Bump that moms wall as well.
  12. ^^^^^ There isn't a lot to take over.You're welcome to come though, we have a few good spots.
  13. Damn spicey...Fuck winston huh? okaaaaaaaay bro.... Bump those woems.
  14. Got a few more pics for you cats..I will try to post them later tonight.Also, peyote is far better than lsd or mushrooms.It's hard to get though.
  15. A birdy i know told me tride was killing em up in the ash.Nice to see youngun's who are motivated.....And bump that ishmael!!
  16. More to come tomorrow fellas...if the sun comes out.
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