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Posts posted by SNEAK_EM_504

  1. i never asked you to paint

    and ive been to that ditch like 3 times

    you apparently go there alot from all the shit you have there

    n nah i aint mad homie just sayin you talk about people being toys then you ask people to steal yo paint?

    a bit lame all im sayin can paint a wall but cant steal paint? man up yo


    you did ask me...youve prob. been there more than i have ...that racking paint thing was a inside joke between me n patna...and your LAME AS FUCK

  2. how you ask someone to steal your paint


    n people already cross out sneeks shit don't have to waist your paint and gas blood


    are you mad sonar...haha your a joke..i think your mad because i never replied to you asking me to go paint with you...oh and keep you illegal art in the canal in harahan junior..

  3. i dont live in new orleans, but ive seen some flix of your shit sneak.

    YOU are nothing in this game.


    and send evak love messages privately, no one wants to hear about how he "inspired you"

    you inspire me to drive down there and cross your shit, if i could even find any of it


    And rack you own dam paint, you fuckin toy


    never said i was. and you can eat a dick faget

  4. thats how the story went?

    ive been writing this since i was 13, before the internet,

    before i knew the other nigga even existed.

    i was 4 or 5 years into doing shit ,not only on the streets but on canvases,sketches and

    tattoos ive drawn for people,before i even saw or even heard of the other dude or seen a SINGLE (but fresh) handstyle by the other nigga that, from what i hear lives in California and dosent even write anymore,ive put my time in ,done my shit and will continue to grind.as for the claiming, i publicly apologized for saying the ONE flic i claimed to be mine that wasnt.

    either way as said before i dont give a fuck what you people ,whom most have never met me,think about me.

    im just gonna go bigger and more hardcore

    bring the hate

    respect to real heads that could give a fuck less about e drama

    post some flics or better yet , go paint something as im about to go do right now....




    get your story strait before you attempt to EXPOSE someone or you will just end up looking like a fool to the ones that know whats the real deal is



    nothing put peace





    hahaha im sorry dawg but that is some fuckiinng bullshit..

    you are nothing in this game...

  5. i don't have the internet homie but if my eyes do not fail me you are admitting to openly talking to NOPD about writers personal info...hmmm...no matter what beef you have or who the person is"toy" or not.... you keep that silent on the street not discuss is with the five oh homies...It also appears you are very comfortable giving up that information to your "pig" friends. It is ironic how the person trying to start the most shit and call people snitches are usually the ones contributing to it. Why don't you geniuses close your mouths go bombing and make shit real like it used to be.night night sons. Take 2 percentof your internet drama and go handle some real biz with it. wwwwwoooooooooah nah. but its cool i love yall and 'you know who You shoulD have just kept your mouth shut thats called DRY SNITCHING. YOU DONT TALK ABOUT WHEN WRITERS GET POPPED ONLINE CAUSE IT LETS LAW ENFORCEMENT KNOW WHO IS WHO...THINK ABOUT IT.


    now let me smoke this bleezy and drink this bloody mary!!


    Oh and to those who do not have there history straight ARE was in fucking top mob at one point. Ask bugs.


    suck on it.


    ride a bike.



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