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Posts posted by BitterBeerFace

  1. kanye is such a lil bitch.....

    and damn Britney - what the fuck was she thinking when she came on stage

    ...looked like retired strpper


    strippers don't retire.they just change their hustle,just ask your moms.

  2. it seems funny to me how there are so many people that have been painting forever and still have no sense of style at all, and never progress, they degress. if you have been painting for like 8 years and you still suck does that make you toy, to me it does, i dont care how long youve been painting if you suck you suck and thats how it boils down. im not talking about any one person or people, but just in general this seem to be that case a lot.





    everyone has their own opinion about style.but if you do the damn thing,you do it,noone can deny that,its better then acting like you paint on the internet.

    my 2 cents-even though ya'll hate it.

  3. ^except coffin nails isn't a graff writer,you actually have to do and have done graff to be a graffiti writer.and you shitgalore are nothing but a dick rider,so maybe you should think before you type!

  4. [quote=COFFIN-NAILS; maybe you can get in MPC too... :lol:

    You're a sweet heart. And I mean that.


    Respect is respect either way. Hopefully the next crop of writers won't be so riddled with politics in this scene. And if were toys... Then getting burned by us doesn't say much for your YEARS in the game spent.

    Good day ladies.



    i think you should leave MPC out of your mouth.don't talk about things that are above you.and remember we all know that you were never a graff writer and just some kid that paints chill or legal spots once in a great while and has to post on the internet cause noone will ever see it.get over your self,toys should be seen not heard,maybe if you little kids would wake up and realize your place in the sceme of things,you wouldn't have to e-thug so hard.i want you to guys to keep bombin,cause when you get busted,they are gonna eat aloha up in jail,he'll be a punk before he even knows it.ya'll can act hard all you want on the internet,but in the end you have to live in the real world!

  5. damn a nigga needs some boots too walk in here!shits deep!!

    seriously ya'll, know your place and work together.its a weak scene!

    ^^^the damn thing gettting done.them racks too!!!

  6. ever notice real writers never give ltf any credit,only little toys that want to join there gay lttle circle jerk.Little Toy Fragile egos.if meet you,you gonna learn about a 211.

  7. ha ha hell no, i mean what can that toy really say to that? not a god damn thing... except for you sour is the most o.g. writer in either one of these shit hole states so i mean what can some toy who has been writing for 2 years really say to that? I'm sure he'll run his mouth but he wont have shit to say when he is toe to toe

    sour your shit is weak,you bite moms now that they don't want anything to do with you cause you can't be trusted,so now you wanna jock the scene,cause the people you hang out with are lame ass toys, that you surround yourself with to make your fragile ego feel better.go back to the west coast and do some more sloppy ass rollers.your new shit looks like a mix of sicr,kolen and gyser.grow up you old fuck.non of that is shittalking,it is the sad truth and someone had to say it.

  8. I'm diggin Sour's new simples,much better than his older stuff.


    And what ever happened to that kid Lawst?I dont see his stuff on here anymore.

    they look alot like someone else's simples if you look at them.we've all seen that s a bunch of times from a nc writer.guess those dudes want to bite the whole nc scene.

  9. sour and leder,pretty lame when you gotta self promo and scene jock a lame ass scene,fuzzy how could you post that wackass adstar,things are going down hill around here.nc,sc ya'll fuckin losers.

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